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Page history last edited by Josh Alles 13 years, 2 months ago

Dev House Waterloo #30

Monday, May 30th


7PM to 10PM


 Join Mailing List for future event dates, updates, etc.


See what we talked about at some previous Dev House Meetups 


About Dev House Waterloo

Dev House Waterloo is an event giving programmers and designers the opportunity to meet other creative people and learn from each other - whatever the topic may be. You can bring an idea, or a project you've been working on, and present it to the group for feedback or help. Bits will be flowing (wifi is provided), projector will be available, food will be served, and space is provided by PostRank.



  • 7:00-7:15 - introductions, stuff.
  • 7:15-8:00 - presentations, max 15 minutes.   Sohbet Oyunlar1
  • 8:00-8:30 - break for food.
  • 8:30-10:00 - more presentations, mingling, etc.



505-180 King St. S. / Waterloo, ON / Phone: +1 519-514-0064

Important: to get into the building, you need someone from PostRank to come down to let you in. Hence, if no one  from PostRank is by the entrance, give us a call (519 514 0064), and we'll come down.



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